About Us
If without purpose, we barely live to one day merely die.
We believe all people carry great value! Within the banks of our hearts, we store much seeds with great potential. When we cultivate these seeds, society enjoys the harvest of good fruits.
The Mashach Project is that cultivator - an initiative brought to you by Carmel Christian Union (FBO) in collaboration with Yitshaq Enterprises (PTY) Ltd. The Mashach Project is a registered nonprofit company that was founded in Cape Town in 2019 by Isaac & Celeste Petersen.
We identify the needs of communities through weekly meetings with residents and various other communication mediums. Through this we establish and build relationship with locals. Once a need has been recognized, we move in to meet it, either directly or by partnering with other NPO's/FBO's/companies.
Our outreach cover a number of methods which include, painting, construction, food parcels, general supplies, specific care products for women/mothers/babies and clothing. The reach of our partners goes even beyond this and include substance abuse rehabilitation, employment opportunities, business advice & opportunities, etc.
- Isaac Petersen (Founder)
Each person is born in to this world possessing great social value and unique purpose. The physical and spiritual investment that should come from those before us are imperative to a successful society. Our purpose is to restore where this responsibility was neglected. Our primary goal is to invest spiritual capital in individuals most depleted of this knowledge. Once people understand their value, they begin to grasp the importance and value of others. The contrasts between cultures, ages, sexes, socioeconomic status within society - that are caused by various things - can be erased by a people loaded with proper comprehension of self-worth. The knowledge of God's love for them is the start of this transformation.
Once this process is in action we can begin to restore the natural or material value back in to the lives of people. Their restored value of self and others causes a significant respect to property, belongings and surroundings. The opposite of this is also true and can be seen in "disadvantaged" communities. This outreach is motivated and encouraged to be shared thus spreading mashach. We bring revival through strategic processes and set forth privilege back in the earth.
Over the past two decades we have seen a rapid decline in the socio-economic standards within our communities. The increase of unemployment, poverty, substance abuse and gang related violence is a visible print on the faces of both people and surroundings.
Our continual interactions with members of community revealed that most of them have little hope for their and their children's future. To them, resolution is a dream beyond their means.
A survey done in Aug 2020 showed that only about 5 out of more than 100 households did not have a daily food shortage problem. Most of these were not related to Covid or national lockdown restrictions but rather just their normal living conditions.
The mutual consensus among residents were that they faced life alone - without government, family or neighbor.